Report integrity violation

Employees and outside parties are encouraged to speak up or report any concerns or suspicions that the Code is being violated.

We make sure that no one is to fear retaliation or other consequences if advice is sought or a violation of the Code is reported.

When in doubt about the meaning of the Code or its application in certain circumstances, employees should discuss this with their supervisor, Human Resources or KTN Legal. Employees may also discuss any matter related to the Code with internal auditors.

If it is not possible or appropriate for an employee to address his or her concerns to line management, the Director of KTN can always be contacted. Employees who observe or suspect a violation of the Code are encouraged to report it to the KTN Line Manager.

The compliance team only assesses and deals with genuine complaints: no allegations of bad faith, commercial damages, non-integrity complaints and commercial solicitations. General management matters, specific matters involving a supervisor that are not related to a breach of the Code of Integrity, and salary disputes should be addressed, either through one of your supervisors or the HR team. If you are unsure whether to report a violation, you should complete the reporting using the guidelines provided.

Report a violation

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